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Please select your Hyundai model:
Up to 15% fuel savings
The Hyundai vehicles have gained in popularity thanks to the wide range of models – from microcars to roomy vans. The Hyundai cars have been awarded the car of the Year several times. Whether you drive a Solaris, an Accent, a Grand Santa Fe or an H1, already today you can increase the engine performance of your car with a chip tuning from the GAN company.
Some facts about the GAN chip tuning:
1. The chip tuning of your Hyundai will give an increase in engine power (up to 30% more power), while fuel consumption will be decreased (reduction up to 15% compared to consumption without a chip). It is possible because carmakers are made to introduce the engine power limits to meet the emission standard. When designing usually bigger power ratings are laid into the engine which are then electronically limited in production (through the ECU settings). The chip tuning is all about adjusting these settings.
2. Unlike the usual map optimization the GAN chip tuning does not cause rapid wear of the engine and gearbox. Also, the warranty of your Hyundai isn't impacted by the chip tuning because at any time you can reset it to factory settings and disconnect the chip. Then no one will find out that you have ever installed the chip. The GAN chip tuning is available for petrol and diesel engines everywhere and for everyone because you don't need any special skills to install the chip, whether it's a Solaris or an Accent.
3. The Hyundai chip tuning takes 10 minutes at most. You simply need to plug the GAN chip into the OBD-II connector or to connect it to engine sensors and to download then a special app to your smartphone. After the chip is connected, select a respective model in the app which uploads the firmware to the chip via Bluetooth – now it gets started. Between the chip modes it is switched with the app as well.
4. The GAN chip operates in 4 modes: Sport (maximum power), Dynamic (improved dynamics of your Hyundai), ECO (fuel efficiency) and Stock (factory reset).
With the Hyundai chip tuning you will get to know your car in a new way. If you'd like to get the real driving pleasure from your Hyundai, the GAN tuning is your choice.
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