Please select your Peugeot model:
Please select your Peugeot model:
Up to 15% fuel savings
The Peugeot make represents affordable and reliable vehicles that are well suited for everyday tasks. The car has moderate technical data, which may not be enough when driving fast. Everyone knows that the engine power is limited by carmakers in production in order to meet the emission standards. The Peugeot chip tuning makes it possible to unleash the full potential of your engine.
The reliable GAN chips from Germany adjust the ECU factory settings in order to lift the existing limits. The chip tuning allows you to gain an increase in power and torque, reduce fuel consumption and make the car even more steerable. The GAN chip doesn't affect any components and units of your Peugeot, and your car's warranty will not be voided. The tuning module operates in 4 modes:
• SPORT – improved performance;
• DYNAMIC – improved dynamics and reduced fuel consumption;
• ЕСО – fuel economy;
• STOCK – reset to factory settings.
The GAN chips manufacturer offers a 5-year warranty, a 50-day test drive and also firmware for 5 different vehicle models for free. The chip tuning copes with all the limits and makes you enjoy the full potential of your Peugeot. After the settings are adjusted, the driver immediately experiences the car has become faster and more steerable.
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